How to get the RecordType/Id Name of Account Object based on AccountId and Assign the Record Type Name to Lightning Component :

Here are the steps on how to get the RecordType/Id Name of Account Object based on AccountId and Assign the Record Type Name to Lightning Component:

  1. Create a Lightning Component.
  2. In the component controller, add the following code:

public with sharing class MyComponentController {

Code snippet
public static String getRecordTypeName(Id accountId) {
    SObject record = [SELECT Id, RecordTypeId, RecordType.Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :accountId];
    return record.RecordTypeId == null ? null : record.RecordType.Name;


  1. In the component markup, add the following code:
Code snippet
<aura:attribute name="accountId" type="Id" />
<aura:attribute name="recordTypeName" type="String" />

<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />

    Account ID: {!v.accountId}
    Record Type Name: {!v.recordTypeName}
  1. In the component controller's init method, add the following code:

public void init(ComponentEvent event) {
    // Get the account ID from the component attribute.
    Id accountId = event.getParam("accountId");
    // Get the record type name.
    String recordTypeName = MyComponentController.getRecordTypeName(accountId);
    // Set the record type name component attribute.
    set("v.recordTypeName", recordTypeName);
  1. Save the component and deploy it to your org.
  2. In a Lightning App, add the component to a page.
  3. Enter an account ID in the component input field.
  4. Click the Submit button.
  5. The record type name will be displayed in the component output field.


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